How to Prevent Caregiver Burnout

How to Prevent Caregiver Burnout

Caregiver burnout is a medical condition that affects people who care for someone who’s unwell and needs support, including family members responsible for a loved one, or professionals who work in the healthcare sector.

Relieving pressure on NHS services, around 5.8 million unpaid carers operate in the UK, including 1.7 million who provide 50 or more hours’ care per week. Combined with the three million professionals, this means almost nine million people assume the role of caregiver in Britain.

Studies show around 60% of caregivers, both unpaid and professional, experience burnout symptoms, which can lead to physical, mental and emotional exhaustion if left untreated.

Primary causes of caregiver burnout
Often responsible for long hours of physically demanding tasks, emotional stress from patient care, and sometimes a lack of professional or personal support; these factors can contribute to overwhelming stress and eventual burnout.

Professional caregivers often work long hours, with 56% providing more than 40 hours’ patient care a week, which is why general fatigue is so common. In addition low wages, a lack of job benefits and isolation are contributory factors that can lead to exhaustion and stress.

This state of physical and mental exhaustion can lead to professional caregivers resigning from their job, leaving healthcare agencies and the NHS short-staffed and increasing workloads for those who remain.

When someone is a volunteer carer for a loved one, they tend to just carry on, as they don’t have an option to walk away when feeling ill themselves.

Caregiver burnout symptoms
Symptoms are similar to those caused by stress and depression such as emotional exhaustion, physical fatigue, irritability, sleep disturbances and withdrawal from social or family activities.

The carer may no longer feel like doing activities they once enjoyed, amid feelings of hopelessness. Unable to concentrate properly, they’re likely to fall ill more often and suffer frustration and anger towards others.

It can feel like a vicious circle, as failing to recognise and act upon the symptoms means they will get worse over time.

How can caregivers prevent burnout?
Through various techniques; stress management for caregivers is the key to avoiding burnout problems further down the line. Unfortunately, it’s too easy for caregivers to neglect their own health, but it’s essential for their effectiveness in the role.

As with any other job, take regular breaks during the day and make time for yourself to help restore energy and prevent exhaustion. Don’t skip meal breaks because you feel there’s insufficient time, as this will leave you feeling drained as the day goes on. Eat balanced meals at regular times and don’t burn the candle at both ends. Always aim to get sufficient sleep and follow a relaxing routine, such as a soak in the bath and a hot drink before bed.

Never skip important personal appointments, such as visiting the doctor or dentist. Exercise can lift your mood, even if it’s just a quick 30-minute workout at home, or a yoga session to unwind.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help
If you’re struggling as a caregiver, there’s no shame in seeking help, as a great deal of emotional weight comes with the territory. Talk to a healthcare provider, whether it’s your own GP, a mental health professional or social worker to discuss how you feel. They can help to support you, in addition to your family and friends.

While some people don’t find it easy to ask for or accept help, the support system can’t kick in until you admit you’re struggling, so it’s crucial to reach out. When someone offers help, don’t be too proud to say yes. If you’re asked to take on a bigger workload and you genuinely don’t feel you can manage it efficiently, it’s okay to say no.

When caring for a family member, you may find other relatives are more willing to help than you realise.

Find local organisations within your community that offer support and services, either by asking health professionals, Citizens Advice or community groups, or simply doing a Google search for your area.

Accept any support that’s offered, whether it’s adult day care centres, in-home care, community meal programmes or periods of respite care for the patient. This will also enable you to connect with other people in the same situation for moral and practical support when you’re in need.

If you work in a regular job as well as being a caregiver for a family member, check whether your employer provides any assistance programmes, while peer support groups, counselling and community resources can also offer major benefits if you’re feeling isolated.

Choosing hygiene supplies
Gloveman Supplies provides essential carer supplies that simplify caregiving tasks, ensure safety and improve efficiency in daily healthcare routines.

Having everything you need at your fingertips can help you to keep organised and reduce feelings of anxiety. Plan ahead and buy supplies in advance, in a quantity that will ensure you don’t run out of something you need at an inopportune moment.

The standard of care you give is directly related to the quality of hygiene supplies that you use, so knowing you’re well-stocked is one thing less to worry about.

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